At Movement Labs, we are committed to building a vibrant global community around the Move language.

Our Explorer Program is designed to empower local organizers to create engaging events, no matter how small or how big…. !

What We Offer:

How It Works

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Apply for Support: Complete the Event Support Application Form, and tell us about your event.
  2. Approval Process: Our team will review your application and notify you of our decision very soon.
  3. Receive Support Package: If approved, you will receive a support package including financial assistance and merchandise.
  4. Promote Your Event: Utilize social media and local tech groups to promote your event, and we can maybe leverage Movement Labs’ promotional channels for broader reach.
  5. Collect Feedback and Follow-Up: Gather feedback from attendees to improve future events, and let us know how everything went!

Apply Now

Ready to host an event? Apply for support through our Event Support Application Form and start building your local Move community today!