Your journey begins on the Frozen Shore, a frosted region marred by the winds of a perpetual winter. As you walk through the wilderness, you stumble upon a decrepit shack. A torch in equally run-down condition marks what used to be a door…

Are you ready to begin the adventure?

The journey to the Parthenon follows many paths, each unique to the Guild that begins them. Whether Spartan, Pathfinder, Explorer, Scholar, or Creator, your road will pass through many challenges, contests, and battles as make your way to the foot of the Parthenon.

Along the paths, you will rise in the ranks of your Guild and discover priceless Relics, treasures of a bygone age. Only the steadfast and brave will complete their journey to the Parthenon, so steel your nerves and sharpen your swords. And walk the Paths of the Guilds with us…

(Thanks to Baytar for this great Map!)

(Thanks to Baytar for this great Map!)

Steps Along The Path

To begin your journey, gain Roles, and claim Relics, follow these directions:

  1. Go to or click on “Paths of the Guilds” and log in


  2. Choose your Guild of interest to reveal the first Step on the Path (currently only Spartans guild is available. More Guilds soon!). You will be faced with certain Quests that must be completed. But when you do, a glorious Role awaits you that marks your progress in the Guild!

    Step 1.png

  3. On the second Step of the Path you will face more challenges. When you complete your next set of Quests, you will unlock your first Relic!

    Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 6.29.08 PM.png

  4. When you come to the third Step of the Path, you battle for the chain by transacting on the Movement Aptos Testnet. Once your foes are defeated, claim your Relic and add it to your Inventory


  5. These three Steps (Earn Guild Discord Role, Unlock Guild Relic, Claim Guild Relic to Inventory) will repeat as you rise higher in the ranks of your Guild and discover increasingly rare and valuable Relics. The number in the upper-left-hand corner of each Guild reminds you which Step on the Path you are currently on. How many steps are there? Only the steadfast adventurer will find out…


  6. Walk the Paths of the Guilds, level up with your Guild Roles, and fill your Inventory with Relics!


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