We are excited to announce the Movement Community Program! One of Movement’s core goals is the decentralization and democratization of the Move language. That impulse extends to how we form a Community as well.

Each member of our community has gifts, skills, and passions that can help to build and grow our Movement together. And we want to help you unlock your potential! The purpose of this program is to encourage, equip, and reward community members.

How To Get Involved!

We’ll be posting updates and new ways to get involved on all these channels!

Community Guilds

We know each member of our community has different skillsets and interests so we’re creating “Guilds” where you can use your specific skills and work closely with others who share similar interests. We’ll be rolling our Guilds for writers, creators, translators, community hype beasts, devs and coders, social media gurus, and more over the next several weeks. Everyone will have a spot in the Community. 💙

1️⃣ Scholars 🎓

The first Guild to debut is the Scholars! Create threads, articles, and more about the Move language, Movement Labs, and our larger Ecosystem. And get them edited, hyped, and shared by the Community. Find out more at:

Movement Scholar Program

2️⃣ Explorers 🗻

Our second Guild is the Explorers! This Guild is for those socialites of the group that like to hang on the socials, tweet, join in on our Spaces, gather frens into the Movement Community, hype Movement to other groups, and at higher levels even work on partnerships and collabs.

3️⃣ Pathfinders 🧭

Our third Guild is the Pathfinders! If you like to make new members feel comfy, answer members’ questions, help plan and run games, build community, create educational material, and help with onboarding new users to Movement, then you will find a great home with the Pathfinders.