Welcome to the Parthenon Wallet Guide, let this serve as your gateway to interacting on the Movement Parthenon Testnet.

Recommended first steps:

Follow in order, or use the highlighted below to skip to your relevant section.

The only guide you’ll need. Start from fresh, otherwise you can get lost…. Movement spans across multiple chains… the great news is, you can do it with as little as 1 wallet.

I’ve made it detailed, but easy to follow… let’s begin.

1. Evm Wallet Binding

<aside> 1️⃣ Evm Wallet - Essential

Fortunately, the Movement focused wallets will both be adding EVM support, since Razor already has, we will use that… as it is testnet, you should probably use a burner wallet (a wallet specifically for this testnet).

Do you already have an EVM bound to Galxe? Please see 1.

Starting fresh on Galxe? See 2.

  1. Adding Razor as a secondary wallet → download Razor wallet and save your key phrase, switch network to MEVM then in Galxe → go to settings → go to wallet address → click the + button below your evm wallet →Next →Scroll down to Razor and BIND it!
  2. Creating a new Galxe with Razor as the Primary wallet → download Razor wallet and save your key phrase, switch network to MEVM then log into Galxe using the Razor wallet → click log in and scroll down to Razor.

If you prefer to use Metamask or another EVM wallet for the testnet you can add MEVM to your wallet and use it for the testnet. However, you will still need Razor in the next step.

The process is the same for all EVM wallets -> Go to settings -> Go to Networks -> Add network -> Input the following details:

Name -> MEVM

RPC URL →Copy paste this → don’t click it https://mevm.devnet.imola.movementlabs.xyz/

Symbol -> MOVE

Chain ID -> 30732

Block explorer URL → Copy paste this → don’t click it https://explorer.devnet.imola.movementlabs.xyz/

Set to testnet


2. Movement Aptos Wallet Binding

<aside> 2️⃣ Movement Testnet Wallet - Essential (testnet address).

Aptos Move is the main TESTNETwork. It is actually called ‘Movement’ or ‘Testnet’. You’ll need a native movement wallet for this. There are 2 native wallets, Razor and Nightly. I recommend getting Razor first and then importing into nightly. Some apps need both!

If you already have Razor… skip to step 2!

Let’s do this in 3 steps:

  1. Download Razor Wallet Click this word → Razor and create a new seed phrase and save it. Switch network to Movement Testnet.

  2. Connect Razor to Galxe by following the steps below -

  1. After binding Aptos Movement with Razor, you need to import your Razor wallet into Nightly. Follow this guide → https://x.com/ethicstweets/status/1818210897820594414

GREAT, now your Nightly and Razor have the SAME address! This means you can use them interchangeably and, you have BINDed Razor to Galxe, so your Nightly wallet address is already on Galxe too!

Cannot Bind? See Binding Solutions


3. Sui Movement Wallet Binding

<aside> 3️⃣ Sui Movement Wallet - Essential (devnet address, still needed for testnet).

Sui Move is still in devnet, however, some apps on the testnet will need it… It is called Sui Devnet, or Sui Move. The good news is, it is the same wallets as above! Razor and Nightly, you already have them now… now you need to bind Razor to Sui on Galxe.

Follow the steps below…

  1. Switch network in Razor to Movement Sui → to manage extensions in your browser →go to details on razor wallet →scroll down and enable ‘allow in incognito’ →then open an incognito tab

  2. Go to Settings in Galxe.

  3. Go to Wallet Address.

  4. Go to Sui Network → Click Sui Wallet and Razor should pop up!

Cannot Bind? See Binding Solutions


4. Binding Solutions

<aside> 4️⃣ Here are two methods in order to successfully bind your wallets

Method A

Method B

5. Questions and issues: